Hello Third Grade Families!
It's almost Valentine's Day, and our class is getting ready for a celebration! Friday we had fun preparing and decorating colorful bags to delivery our Valentine's cards. We also said goodbye to one of our wonderful classmates~ Ashley. She will be attending a new school, but promises to keep in touch, and she will always be in our hearts! We will miss you Ashley!
Check out the photo gallery below for some highlights of our day~ Science Projects are hanging in our school hallway~ we have received a lot of compliments on the student's hard work and creativity! Third Grade Rocks!
Check out the photo gallery below for some highlights of our day~ Science Projects are hanging in our school hallway~ we have received a lot of compliments on the student's hard work and creativity! Third Grade Rocks!
Hello Third Grade Families!
Here is a few important events happening in our classroom this week:
Here is a few important events happening in our classroom this week:
- Book Report called "Story Quilt" was assigned Monday and is DUE this Friday, December 2nd. This is a quick, simple project. We are going to put all of the "Story Quilt Squares" into a large blanket to create a wall quilt of books!
- Book Order was given before Thanksgiving break, and is still open and available to order until this Friday, December 2nd. Books will arrive in time to distribute before our Holiday break. Books make wonderful gifts and remember for every two books ordered Scholastic donates a FREE book to our classroom!
- NEW Language Arts program is up and running! The students seem to enjoy the new stories and articles that we are reading, comparing and contrasting, annotating, and analyzing. There are many more non-fiction texts within the program incorporating History and Science along with our Language Arts. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the new program.
- Math Unit#3 is currently working on ELAPSED time (not just telling time). This has been a difficult concept for some students. Please review your child's math quizzes. Students may also need a little extra help on their math homework throughout this Unit. Let me know how I can help.
- MARK YOUR CALENDARS~ the HOLIDAY SHOW is next week, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TH. The show will start at 6:00 for Primary students, and is expected to run about 45 minutes. There is an intermission, with a second show later for the Upper grades. I will send out a more detailed email next week regarding students arrival/dismissal time in the classroom for the evening. It should be a great show! The students have been working hard on some fun holiday songs to showcase for you!
Hello Third Grade Families!
Here are a few important events happening in our classroom this week:
A Touch of Understanding came to visit both third grades. Students were able to participate in a variety of stations throughout the day that brought awareness regarding learning and physical disabilities. Students participated in a Braille station, Hearing station, Prothetic station, Wheel chair and Cane station. Students then heard amazing stories from student and adult speakers who shared their courageous stories and struggles of living a life with a disability. Truly inspiring!
NEW Language Arts Curriculum has arrived! It's like early Christmas around here with tons of boxes full of new LA material. Teachers have attended training, and the new curriculum is getting set to roll out at the 2nd Trimester. Exciting!
October Book Orders went home last week and are DUE TOMORROW: 10/21 Ordering on-line is easy using our classroom code: GTT3H
Native American project flyers went home last week. Replicas are DUE on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND. Our class will be having an Open House on Thursday, November 3rd for everyone to come in the the class to view all of the student's hard work. Mark your calendars and PLEASE Join us!
Parent Conferences are November 14-18th. Student dismissal will be at 1:30 each of these days. Please sign up for your parent conference using SIGN-UP GENIUS. I sent and email with a link last Monday afternoon. Let me know if you have not received the email to sign up, and I will resend to you.
Maidu Cultural Center Field Trip next Wednesday, November 26th. Students will need to wear comfortable walking shoes, a sack lunch, and water bottle. We will be outside all day so a sweatshirt or jacket is also a good idea. Should be a fun day!
Let me know if you have any questions~ Mrs. Hansen
PS~ please scroll below to view photos of our Touch of Understanding presentation.
Hello Third Grade Families!
Here are a few important events happening in our classroom this week:
Let me know if you have any questions~ Thank you for all of your support!
Mrs. Hansen
- We are in Unit #2 of our Math Program. The main focus for this Unit is Two-Step Word Problems using multiplication and division. It is important at this stage that students have a firm grasp of their multiplication facts, and the inverse operation between multiplication and division. I encourage the continued use of X Flash Cards, or a Fast-Fact online game.
- Our Native American Unit in Social Studies began this week. Students will be studying a California Native American Tribe of their choice, and become "experts" on that tribe. At school, we will be creating Power-Points regarding important facts and information on student's tribes. At home, students will need to create a replica of their tribe's village. More info will come home next week in student's C-folders. We will be hosting a Native American Open House on Thursday, November 3rd in the morning for families to come in to both Third Grades to view everyone's replicas. Below is a great website for student's research:
- Important Dates to Calendar:
- October 12th~Touch of Understanding will be presented to Third and Seventh Grade Students
- October 19th~Community Canvas Presentation for both Third Grades
- October 26th~Maidu Cultural Center Field Trip
- October 31st~Halloween Parade and Party
Let me know if you have any questions~ Thank you for all of your support!
Mrs. Hansen
Hello Third Grade Families!
Here are a few important events happening in our classroom this week:
- Communication Folders went home today (Wednesday) Please look through your child's corrected classwork, assignments, and recorded grades. Please keep corrected papers at home, and sign C-folders to be returned tomorrow.
- Student Point Slips also went home today as part of your child's homework. You should look for "Points Earned" to see if your child is earning points in the Accelerated Reading Program. Please sign S.P.S. to be returned tomorrow.
- Reading Logs are DUE on Fridays. This week I have "challenged" the students to turn in a TOTALLY complete Reading Log. For example, Title of Book, Author, Dates, Pages read each night, Parent Signature, Student Signature, etc. should ALL be complete and filled in. You can do it Third Grade!
- Book Reports were assigned last week and are DUE next Thursday, September 22. It is a FUN and CREATIVE project, and I am looking forward to viewing all of the student's imaginative work.
- The September Book Order has closed, and books should arrive by next Tuesday, September 20th. If you did not get a chance to order, an October Book Order is right around the corner!
- SMILE!! ~Picture Day is this Friday, September 16th!
CLASS NEEDS: Earbuds~ Each student will be asked to bring in a pair of their own earbuds to keep safely here at school to use with our classroom technology. Please have your child bring their own earbuds as soon as they can. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please contact me here at school!
Mrs. Hansen
**Pictures below are students making their salt dough maps :)**
Grade 3 R.O.C.K.S.
Responsible, Organized, Creative, Kids that are Smart
Hello Third Grade Families!
Here are a few important events happening in our classroom this week:
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Hansen
Here are a few important events happening in our classroom this week:
- Accelerated Reading Program is up and running! Students took an AR placement test last week and were given their Reading Ranges and Goals. Last Friday we went to the school library and students chose chapter books in their Reading Ranges. Some students have even completed their books and have taken quizzes! Way to go Third Grade! Keep up your nightly 20 minutes for reading, chart those reading logs, and take those quizzes to reach your trimester point goal.
- Field Trip Permission Slips are DUE. If you have not returned your child's permission slip and payment or the FIVE activities scheduled this year please do so ASAP. Thank you.
- Class Contact Lists were distributed via email this week. I will send home paper copies next Wednesday in student's Communication Folders.
- Book Order went home with your child today. Please look over the flyer and support our classroom library by ordering a book or two. Scholastic will give our classroom FREE books for any order placed. The more books ordered, the more books we will receive for our classroom library. It's a WIN-WIN situation for the students! You may order on-line using our classroom code: GTT3H Book Orders DUE by Monday, September 12th.
- Picture Day: Friday, September 16th~ smile!
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Hansen
Welcome Third Grade Families to Mrs. Hansen's Classroom
Here are a few events happening in our classroom this week:
- First Day of School~ Wednesday, August 10th! I'm excited to meet all of my NEW third graders! It's going to be an exciting, fun-filled year!
- Back to School Night~ Thursday, August 18th. The evening program starts at 6:00 with a presentation in the outdoor theatre. Classroom presentations will run in two sessions: 6:20-6:50 then 7:00-7:30. Hope to see all of my NEW parents!
Responsible, Organized, Creative, Kids that are Smart
Classroom is all ready for a great year! We have a NEW theme this year~ THIRD GRADE ROCKS! New curtains have been sewn, new table has been painted, and new curriculum and project ideas are being created! I am looking forward to a wonderful year~ see you all soon!
Mrs. Hansen
Mrs. Hansen